Meet the Organizer, Monica! Community Affairs West

What’s your name, and where are you from?
My name’s Monica! I grew up in a few places, but mostly around Monterey Bay, California. I’ve lived in the Bay Area now for about 6 years and am currently located in Oakland, CA!

Why did you join the Instacart team?
Oof, this is a big question -- there are so many answers! Honestly, I love food, and I love working at a company that helps folks get access to the food they love too.

What is your role at Instacart?
I’m the new Community Affairs Organizer for the West -- that means I cover everything from Seattle to San Diego to Park City!

What are you most excited about at Instacart?
Getting to meet so many amazing shoppers! Y’all are a group of incredibly diverse, interesting, and well rounded people, and I’m so honored to get to amplify your voices in such a real way.

What’s your “side dish” — a hobby, a hidden talent, a fun fact that would surprise us about you?
During COVID, outdoor time has been key for me. My dog and I love to hike! We’ve been hiking all over the Bay Area.

What is always in your grocery shopping cart?
I’m a huge coffee girl. I love to try new roasts, brews, and beans, so send me all your recommendations!

What does food access mean to you?
To me, food access isn’t just about having food. It means having access to all the food you need to sustain yourself, your family, and your community. It means not just having access to healthy ingredients, but being able to prepare them in a way that is enjoyable and provides an avenue to connect with those around you.

Anything else you want to share with the shopper community?
I’m always looking for new ways to get involved with y’all. Feel free to reach out to share event ideas, interesting articles you find, or if you just want to say hello!