Welcome to the Instacart Community Affairs Shopper Hub!


*By participating in the Instacart Shopper Community, you agree to act in accordance with these Community Guidelines and the Instacart Terms of Service. As a Community, we are committed to creating a useful, respectful, and enjoyable destination for all members*


Community Affairs Shopper Hub Guidelines:


1. The Instacart Community Affairs Shopper Hub is not a dedicated customer service channel. 


2. This is a clean community. 


3. Be respectful.


4. Do not post obscene, vulgar or pornographic content.


5. Be relevant.


6. Keep private interactions and event information confidential.


7. Sharing patently false information. 


8. Keep your word. 


9. Do not post copyrighted content without the permission of the copyright owner.


10. Protect privacy -- yours and others'.


11. Do not encourage others to breach the Instacart Terms of Service, the Instacart Shopper and Shopper Applicant Privacy Policy, these Community Guidelines or any other Instacart policies. 


We may make changes to these Guidelines from time to time. When we do so, we will post the most current version of the Guidelines. Changes to these Guidelines will not apply retroactively. If you do not agree to the modified guidelines, you should discontinue your use of the Community.

Behavior that is contrary to these Guidelines may result in temporary or permanent suspension of activity on the Instacart Community Affairs Shopper Hub. Instacart reserves the right for itself and its moderators to edit or remove any content, thread, post, signature, image or video that we consider inappropriate or offensive to the Community. Breaches of the Instacart Terms of Service, the Instacart Shopper and Shopper Applicant Privacy Policy or these Community Guidelines may result in warnings, board sanctions and/or suspensions from the site. Instacart reserves the right to remove any post without warning or further notice.